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OSVEA Recomended Viewing.

Golf Psychology - 


How the different sides of our brain function.  A great insight into golf psychology with out mentioning golf!

Power of the mind -


Will Smith shows the motivation, drive, focus and belief that any golfer should model.

Power of the body - 


The mind is not the only tool that we use to create confidence. The body plays a huge role in getting our thoughts and feelings to match our intentions. 

Whats your why? - 


The importance of discovering and understanding why you do what you do. A must for any golfer. 

Whats your why? - 


Eric Thomas powerfully expressess how important it is to understand why you participate in your chosen field.  

Believe -


The primary role of a coach uncovered  here.

Imagination is key - 


A very powerful message that prof Ken Robinson puts accross in this talk. A must listen for coaches and parents.

One for the parents - 


What is your role in helping your child stay active in sports.

Mindset - 


How can coaches and partents speak to athletes to enable a mindset conducive to learning and growing as a person and an athlete. 

Practice - 


Understand what the goal of practice is and how to get the most out of your efforts. 

Practice - 


Understand different types of practice and why some are more effective than others. 

OSVEA Recomended Reading.


The Secret - Rrhonda Byrne 


The little book of talent - Daniel Coyle


Zen Golf - Joseph Parent 


The Talent Code - Daniel Coyle


The inner game of golf - Gallwey


Golf is not a game of perfect - Bob Rotella


Talent is overrated - Geoff Colvin 


Your 15th club - Bob Rotella 


The Chimp Paradox - S Peters


A message to Garcia -  E Hubbard


Keys to living without limits - Nick Vijuic 


The Alchemist - Pablo Coelho 


Fearless Golf - Gio Valiante 


Awaken the Giant within - Tony Robins 


Unleash the Power - Tony Robins


Brain Rules - John J Medina


The Genius in all of us - David Shenk


The art of the mental game - J Parent


How to win friends and influence people - Dale Carnegie


Mindset of a champion - David Cook


Golf Sacred journey - David Cook


The Power of habit - Charles Duhigg


The 7 habits of highly effective people - S Covey


Burn your goals - J Metcalfe 


The Sports Gene - David Epstein


Cognative Therapy - 100 key points and techniques 


Neuro Science and your golf swing - Blancas and Perez


Mindset - Carol Dweck


Outilers - Malcom Gladwell


Modern approaches to learning - Michael Hebron


Golf Flow - Gio Valiante


Attainment 12 elements of elite performance - L Bassham


The Secret to success - Eric Thomas 


Greatness is upon you - Eric Thomas 


The Private life of the brain - Susan Greenfield 


Dream on: One hackers challenge to break par in a year - John Richardson


The Big Miss - Hank Haney


Start with the why - Simon Sinek 


Speed of trust - Covey 


Training a Tiger - Earl Woods


Tiger Woods: The making of a champion - Tim Rosaforte 


The game before the game - L Marriott, P Nilson


Every shot must have a purpose - L Marriott, P Nilson


Practice perfect - D Lemov


Wodden on Leadership - John Wooden.


Bounce - Matthew Syed


Social Animal - David Brooks 


Blink - Malcom Gladwell


Drive - Dan Pink 


How to take the luck out of selling - Michael Brooke 


Switch -  Dan Heath 


Will power -  R Baumeister 


Developing talent in young people - Benjamin Bloom 


Habit Loop - Charles Duhigg


The first 20 hours - Josh Kaufman


Leaders eat last - Simon Sinek


Fluid Motion Factor - Stephen Yellin


Make it stick: Science of successful Learning - P Brown


The Rise of Superman: Decoding the science of ultimate human performance - S Kotler


How Children Succeed - Paul Tough








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